Thursday, 3 March 2011

Production schedule for the prodcution of my film

 The following schedule is how my group has planned for the production of my film:

Monday 7th March- We will begin filming the shots of 1-4 in the storyboard, this will be filmed at Telford Town Park by all of the members in the group.

Tuesday 8th March-On this date , we will be filming at Telford Town Park but only if we need extra shots from the previous filming. If we have completed scenes 1-4, we will film in Wellington for scenes (13-16)

Tuesday 8th March evening- On the evening, Amie and I will be filming the scenes 7-12 at Amies home.

Thursday 10th March- On this date, we will be using garage band, to begin making our backing tracks for the film.

Monday 14th March- We will be filming in Wellington as a group for scenes 13-16, if  extra shots are needed.

Tuesday 15th March- We will be filming the final shots of 18-19, this will take place at college.

Thursday 17th March- This date will be used to record any extra filming which is needed, or to refine our filming.

Monday 21st March- Editing of our film will begin on this date, two people will be editing the film whilst the other two people will be producing music on garage band.

Tuesday 22nd March-Two people will be editing the film whilst the other two people will be producing music on garage band.

Thursday 24th March-Two people will be editing the film whilst the other two people will be producing music on garage band.

Monday 28th March-Two people will be editing the film whilst the other two people will be producing music on garage band.

Tuesday 29th March-Two people will be editing the film whilst the other two people will be producing music on garage band.

Thursday 31st March- If all of the editing is complete, we will begin working on our evaluation.

Monday 4th April-We will be working on our evaluation.

Tuesday 5th April- We will continue working on our evaluations.

Thursday 7th April- We will have completed both our film and evaluations.

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